Laura Round


Laura Round is now Director of the Office of the International President at Bank of America. Previously, she was Director of Freuds and Director of Communications for The Sustainable Markets Initiative, and was formerly a Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Defence, the Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP. She was elected Conservative Councillor for Pembridge in Kensington and Chelsea in May 2018.

Laura was the Communications Manager at Bright Blue. She edited the Bright Blue magazine Centre Write. Editions edited by her include “Global giant?”“Conservatism refresh”“Capitalism in crisis?”“The robotic revolution” and “The end of the establishment?”. Laura hosted the Bright Blue podcast episodes 1-7.

Prior to joining Bright Blue, Laura was a Senior Parliamentary Assistant in the House of Commons and worked for Britain Stronger In Europe as the National Press Officer. She studied in the Netherlands, Kosovo and the United States, and holds a Master’s degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics.